The answer to the question in your headline is, of course, money and greed. But as your piece points out, it is absurd to ruin further parks for golf when Florida is already overrun with crappy golf courses next to every crappy condo project. But I sure appreciate you taking up the fight. You are not alone. The issue is clearly getting traction in Florida. https://www.tampabay.com/news/environment/2024/08/22/florida-state-parks-development-desantis-golf-course-jonathan-dickinson/

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Aug 21Liked by Misti Little

It’s all about following the money.

Any big project that gets pushed through in the dark of night is suspect. There’s a big highway construction project proposed outside my back door. It’s random and makes no sense until you consider that it’s most likely going to coincide with a big noisy music venue that locals are fighting tooth and nail to get approved.

One of the biggest complaints is traffic flow to and from the venue, which the preposed site is on a former ranch down a country road.

There already was a well-loved music venue directly on the main highway that runs through the west side of town,, but it’s now a big H‑E‑B.

Deep pocket developers, entertainment promoters, and big retailers can make magic happen in the blink of an eye.

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The problem with so many of these things is the beginning planning stages happen years before the public knows about it. So things are scoped out well in advance and then *bam* you are hit with it and can barely fight it.

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Aug 21Liked by Misti Little

This makes me angry again. I thought our governor in Texas was bad. He is but Desantis is awful too. They are planning to in fact endanger endangered species for GOLF.

The TCPalm article explains the plan. I hope there is more public outcry in Florida. Maybe the more charismatic species being put in danger will cause a stir we didn't get with Fairfield.

Please let us know what we can do to help, Misti.

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Not much to do from here in Texas other than writing in to the governor and DEP expressing concern/outrage. I think there is enough of a coalition growing in Florida to get this knocked back but who knows. Will keep you posted!

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Aug 21Liked by Misti Little

Thanks, Misti, for trying to keep our wondrous spaces wondrous.

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I try! Sometimes I feel it is a losing battle because I know I miss so much.

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Aug 21Liked by Misti Little

I agree that it’s relevant to Texas, especially with the parallels between their right wing, money-over-everything governments. The only protections for public lands and the communities of plants and animals is a big enough voting constituency so that they’re afraid to be openly corrupt and openly for selling off our natural places. I’m almost too cynical to say “speak up” because they can’t be made to care - unless we have to numbers to vote them out. As long as our votes are not so gerrymandered or simply not counted that even that is gone.

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Can't be made to care is exactly right! Some of these folks won't and don't care.

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