So many treats to the eye! Thank you Misti!

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You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed!

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I always enjoy the chance to learn about Texas wildflowers, since many are not found here in NC. And, I never knew that about Luna moths!

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Yes, I only learned about the luna moth mouth situation a few years ago! What a way to live life.

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Love those photos! Sweet little toadflax has always been one of my favorites.

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Lovely! Tennessee shares many ephemerals with Texas. Our spring beauties are coming up, as well as rose bluets and periwinkles. I can't wait for all the trillium and Dutchman's breeches. Looking forward to reading more plant updates from Texas! ... And hope you are safe from the fires.

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This week green shoots are pushing through the brittle stalks of Lantana and Firecracker cut back after the intense January freeze. The Knock-out Roses are thriving from both the cut back and the freeze, arrogant little blooms that seem to unfold regardless of how weird the weather gets. I love your pictures.

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