I feel that anxiety and I hope you have power as soon as possible. I don’t honestly know if I could cope with it.

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It's really the unknown part of it that is more difficult, the feeling of being out of control. When you aren't necessarily being told the truth and maybe even can't be told the truth because everyone in charge doesn't really know, they are just hedging bets so people won't riot if they have to go without for longer than originally estimated. It's rough.

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Whew do I ever understand that. I am trying to learn to relax control but I have a long ways to go.

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Praise for the velvety dark and glow from a near-full moon. And praise for creature comforts (which I hope you have again soon).

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Thanks! (And it came on yesterday evening, after a bunch of us pushed our city to communicate better with the power company)

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We've had two major power outages here in Austin -- one statewide (2021 freeze) and one very local (2023 winter ice storm). Both times power was out for a week and we got so cold (and thirsty) we went to an airport motel that had power. School was out both times for a week, too. We were lucky we could afford that refuge to shower, get warm, heat our food. We haven't lost power in summer yet but I fear that will put me over the edge. No place is safe from climate change, of course, but other places are managing it better, that's for sure. This is just the beginning, which is so scary.

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I was in that 2021 freeze...that one was rough but at least we have pretty snow to look at! Unfortunately our state continues to drag their feet in addressing climate change and our infrastructure related to these changes, and as you said, it's just the beginning.

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May 22Liked by Misti Little

Oh friend. I know that this is rough, but you also wrote about this so beautifully. My thoughts were with friends immediately after the storm, but I know what lack of power means in a place like Texas. And you aren't even in summer yet. I hope that Centerpoint is true to their word and has your power turned back on today.

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Sometimes I feel like maybe I should escape the state like you and so many others have. We did end up getting power yesterday evening and I was so grateful. Definitely may pick your brain on solar at some point!

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May 23Liked by Misti Little

I hate that so much, because there were so many things I loved about Texas. (But there were so many things that didn’t love us back, too.) And once we finish going through the process, I will definitely be writing about it! And please do ask. We’ve learned a lot about the process and we see a lot of the mistakes that people make, including not spending the extra money to get battery back-up. And we get it! It’s A LOT of extra money. But what’s the point of getting solar if you don’t have a way to get almost entirely off of the grid?

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That's the thing---if we had solar, then we could be off grid totally since we have a well! Gotta make some inroads with my husband and look into cost. Maybe in the next five years we can get something done.

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Just remember that (THANKS BIDEN) the current infrastructure bill gives you a 30% tax rebate off of the overall cost (until 2030). When you get a loan, the initial loan cost is lower and then it goes up 18 months later. The idea is that you are SUPPOSED to use the rebate toward the loan and if you do that, the monthly loan never goes up. BUT, we're just going to use the tax rebate to pay off other debts and it will still lower our overall monthly loan payments by next summer, even when the solar loan goes up. And unlike our electric bills, our loan will stay steady after that initial increase.

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I'm feeling so sorry for everybody without power in Texas. This post tells the story pretty well of what we are facing.

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I know we aren't alone in our electeds dragging their feet to properly address these issues. Thankfully we got power back on yesterday evening but I know there are some folks still facing several more days without it due to debris and other issues that haven't been resolved. Rough going...

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