I’ve seen a pair of Sandhill Cranes near Willow, Alaska and they were a stunning sight. I was literally stunned still, too and couldn’t believe my eyes. Any story or sighting of a crane is magical to me. The Bhutanese took down wires because they interfered with the crane migration. Wish we would do that too. I’ve yet to be in the presence of a WC.
I’ve followed Orange Blaze and told my friend, a 10th generation Floridian about it too, and hope to start listening to it very soon.
I’ll write an email as well to the region’s Senator + Representative. I’m not a constituent, but the more emails the more hope, right?!
Sending good thoughts and prayers because that’s all I’ve got for you and the whooping cranes. Someday I’d really like to see one.
Thank you! We will see how it all goes.
Congrats on turning on paying subscriptions. I love your essays on the nature of Texas.
Thank you, Janisse!
I’ve seen a pair of Sandhill Cranes near Willow, Alaska and they were a stunning sight. I was literally stunned still, too and couldn’t believe my eyes. Any story or sighting of a crane is magical to me. The Bhutanese took down wires because they interfered with the crane migration. Wish we would do that too. I’ve yet to be in the presence of a WC.
I’ve followed Orange Blaze and told my friend, a 10th generation Floridian about it too, and hope to start listening to it very soon.
I’ll write an email as well to the region’s Senator + Representative. I’m not a constituent, but the more emails the more hope, right?!